Holywell Street would like to welcome Neil Summers, a man of many hats – the main PR lead for Eddie Bauer, Dometic and Haglöfs 

Welcome Neil, cheers for dropping by, it is a pleasure to have you in as a Q&A guest at last – how are you?

My head is all over the place at the moment to be honest with you, I’ve had a very challenging week but on the flip side I’m incredibly glad to be alive. I’m not one to make a fuss, yeah I’m alright now honestly. I’ve had a Guinness, let’s move on.

Starting off with your love for mountain wear jackets, what came first, the passion for their style on the terrace or the rambling and hiking I see you are doing these days?

I’d say posing came way before hiking, though as a kid I did spend most of my time running up and down valleys and making dens in forests so maybe it’s always been there? Back in the late 80s my best mate Barclay was bang into his climbing which coincided with us both getting into acid house. He already knew his way around an outdoor shop and so we would spend many an hour in places like Alpenstock in Stockport or Magic Mountain in Glossop planning our outdoor outfits for a mad weekend getting high in Manchester rather than the Matterhorn. I should probably mention that I’m not really a football fan either so the terraces have never had much of an effect on me, apart from when I lived in Tuscany and used to go to the odd Fiorentina game which taught me a plethora of offensive hand signals.

I must ask, you were the co-editor at Proper Mag? I always liked it for a bit of a laugh and piss-take as much as anything else, how did the idea come about?

Yeah, back when it wasn’t just about gorpcore and house plants. It was created in a perfect storm of having a job with lots of down time alongside a strong desire to blag free jackets whilst having an innate need to make my mates piss themselves laughing whilst reading it. I miss you Mark, please get in touch to let us know you’re safe and sound.

Stockport County is your team, do you still go?

If it’s kicking off then yes I am 100% SCFC but as mentioned football isn’t really my bag. I did go to quite a few matches with my aforementioned mate and die hard supporter Mark but I’d find myself losing the will to live and would end up watching the weirder fans rather than the action on the pitch. I did see them beat Man City though which was really funny, our end were singing ‘are you County in disguise?’ to a sea of angry ‘Berts’ I believe they’re called.

Are you still DJing?

Since moving house last December I’ve not managed to set my decks up so I’m a bit out of the loop. My mates at ace menswear brand Bound did invite me over to DJ at their pop up event recently in Manchester but they didn’t realise I only spin on vinyl. Which meant I’d spent £100 on eighties gay European disco records in vain and that they no longer reply to my letters begging for a new pair of their cords. Honestly they’re amazing. 

If I was to ask for a favourite shoe would it come from Adidas SPZL range?

Without a doubt the Cote that Gary brought out in around 2016 I think. Around the time of the MCR exhibition I mithered him to reissue the Beach, not knowing that he was already on it with the creation of the Cote. I recently asked him to do an adidas Spezial ‘Bredbury Green’ because that’s pretty much where the UK HQ was when I worked there back in the day and their main offices are still just up the road in Hazel Grove. So watch this space all you fans of Stockport themed sports shoes. If he does another Lancashire based one I’m really going to throw my sambas out of the pram.

What projects have you got on the go these days?

I’ve got my irons in a few pies and my fingers in a couple of fires but my regular gigs are doing the PR for the amazing Swedish outdoor brands Haglofs and Dometic as well as working with the guys at Eddie Bauer. I’m also part of a hiking/climbing collective called Outdoor Licence whose ethos is to demystify the outdoors and get as many people out enjoying the hills as possible. Give us a follow and drop me a line if you fancy going up a hill with us https://www.instagram.com/outdoorlicence/

As Terry Hall once said … How do you feel these days about the Tory government and the shit they’re leading us into …

Oh Terry, why did you have to leave us? Tell me why, tell me why, tell me why? 

When a man who is most famous for his incredibly creepy impersonation of a cat is capable of putting the entire government to shame (both left and right) then it’s a sad day for British politics isn’t it? I feel like we’ve all come to accept corruption and ineptitude as perfectly normal. I’m still amazed that those chinless dickheads who went round in a bus spreading lies about Europe haven’t been hung, drawn and quartered for completely fucking up our economy. I might move back to France, those lads really know how to kick off when it comes to political injustice BRING FORTH THE GUILLOTINE! Speaking of which, have you heard that new Frankie Boyle podcast btw? He should be running the country.

I recall you were one of the first wearing Fjallraven around 20 years ago, is it still a favourite?

I still have one or two vintage pieces but there’s only really room for one Swedish outdoor brand in my life and that’s Haglofs. 

Standardly it’s time to give us your five favourite tunes ..

Ah man that’s kind of impossible but here’s what came to mind immediately….

Redondo Beach – Patti Smith

Kilburn Towers – Bee Gees

Waterfall – Wendy & Lisa

Gates of Heaven – Mary Wallopers

Flashlights (Leo Zero Disco version) – Mica Miller

Have you had a look at the Magnetic book archive by Tony Rivers & James Burnnet?

Yeah it’s terrific innit? I don’t know James but I’ve known Tony since the 80s Casuals forum days in the early noughties so I wasn’t surprised that it was a really in depth and clued up read. I was particularly chuffed to see my mate John Poland had written a piece about a mate of his (from Stockport I might add) who was wearing Stone Island when most of us were still getting our heads around Kappa. Who knew Nick Heywood was a dresser too?

Can you give us an IN and an OUT for this week?


Telling Emily Maitlis to fuck off when she questions you about Jewish space lazers


Lee Anderson’s Imagination

Watching Big Brother 

Italian brands sending swag to all your mates (but not you)

Skriking in a hotel


Politely saying’ thank you’ to an American conspiracy theorist when they tell you to fuck off


Leee John from Imagination

Reading 1984

Rock stars habitually name-dropping you in their podcast (thanks Blossoms)

Hiking with Andy Votel

This will be tough can you give us your five top jackets?

This is the same as music in that I don’t have favourites, but I will tell you what I currently have in heavy rotation on my groaning coat rack….

TNF Purple Label Short Mountain Parka

Fresh Store Frida Fleece

Haglofs LIM ZT Mountain GTX Jacket

Natal Design Big ISDO Jacket

C.P. Company x Barbour Explorer

Have you any plans to tackle any hills or mountains up here in Scotland?

I really really want to go to Skye but haven’t made it there yet. My mate Liam from Edinburgh is an amazing climber and I’d love to go for a hike in the hills with him too though I fear he’d probably take me where I’d end up needing a helicopter and a defibrillator to get home. I might just admire him from afar on instagram instead, check him out, he’s a total legend https://www.instagram.com/liamjscott/

Finally, can you give us the name of your favourite crisps?

This may surprise you but I’m not that fussed about crisps though I am very middle class at least in what I eat if not my bank account. So I’ll say Torres Tapas Fried Egg flavour. De nada x

Thanks for dropping by mate.

My pleasure

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